Our History

The birthing of Children of Promise International came to Linn Haitz, Founder and Missionary, in a small rented room in the village of Bello, Colombia in 1968 when he was strongly impressed by Isaiah 49:6—“I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.

The work began in the jungles and slums of South America. The need seemingly was too great to tackle. There were thousands of Indians in remote areas beyond mountain ridges and roaring streams too difficult to reach. In his early 50’s, with a willing heart and a faithful God, Linn Haitz stepped out in faith. Following many miraculous interventions, four “free” schools were begun to teach the children in the slums how to read and write and about a wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of Children of Promise International, originally known as Bible And Literacy League and Children of Promise.

Since the small beginnings in Colombia, South America, God has directed a far-reaching, worldwide ministry among thousands of orphaned and destitute children as well as the lost, the poor and the oppressed throughout the world.

It was not until December 14, 1973 that the ministry became a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Missouri. On August 19, 1998 the ministry officially took on the new name of Children of Promise International (Children of Promise), which defined its major emphasis.

In the 1970’s children’s homes were established and in 1978 a sponsorship program initiated to help provide funding for the care of the physical needs of the children. The homes, however, were not just a place for shelter, clothing, and food, but a place where the children are given the opportunity to learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ and to be trained in the Word of God.

In 1998 the mission began partnering with churches and para-church ministries to operate a child sponsorship program for other children’s homes. By 2006 the mission operates and/or provides a child sponsorship program for nearly 80 homes in 19 countries. Also during the time period of 1998 and 2006 the mission was instrumental in securing funding from foundations and other missions for building or repairing homes.

In addition, the mission has developed a widow program in India—providing food and job training—and also trains and supports indigenous evangelists, Bible training teachers, pastors, church planters, and various Christian workers. Children of Promise operates free schools and feeding and nutrition programs that enable the mission to present the Gospel to poor and needy children in the communities surrounding established children’s homes.

In obedience to the Lord’s commission, Children of Promise International reaches out to the most neglected regions of the earth to bring hope, a future, and the message of the Gospel to orphans, widows and destitute children.

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