Mission Partnerships

Children of Promise is not forming new partnerships and is not accepting applications at this time.  Please check this page periodically to see when new partnership applications are being accepted. 


Daily, Children of Promise International receives letters and emails from mission organizations and churches around the world who have on-going services for orphans, destitute children, and widows but lack the funds to meet all of the physical needs.


We are feeling the hearts cry for help.  The number of children who have been orphaned,  abandoned, and live in destitute conditions are increasing tremendously.  We are experiencing the reason for God’s command to “...care for the orphans and widows in their distress.”  (James 1:27)


Children of Promise established childrens homes from its inception in 1974.  In the late 1990’s, we began to see that many mission organizations and churches in third-world countries already had homes and children but little means to provide the daily needs.  At this time we, began to come along side them and provide a sponsorship program.


Children of Promise believes that childrens homes are living witnesses of Jesus’ love for His children at risk. They are homes with a father and mother and others to help maintain a clean, healthy, happy, God-centered atmosphere. Love should permeate the whole grounds and home for it is God’s property and they are God’s children. Our witness of ministry to the orphaned, abandoned and destitute children says more to the community than words can ever express. Our caring and sharing Christ’s love opens the door for the gospel, first to children and then to the community. Evangelism and saving of souls should always remain as our first and foremost purpose.


Forging any new partnership takes much time and effort.  Only after a thorough review
of our resources and an audit of an applicant’s efforts do we enter into a new venture. 

 (No applications are being accepted at this time)

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